Grievance Redressal System
Mechanism of internal/external assessment is transparent and the grievance redressal system is time-bound and efficient.
The institution has established a time bound mechanism for Examination and Evaluation and follows the rules of the Internal/External Examination of Shivaji University, Kolhapur. There is an Examination Cell working on examination related issues concerning both internal and external examinations of college or University level. One senior faculty member is in charge for the Examination Cell. Internal exams like Mid Term Exams are planned after completion of sufficient syllabus, say, two units of the subject as per University norms. Conduction of internal examination is done by the examination cell and its coordinator coordinates with HODs for internal Exam paper setting, and exam evaluation. Answer scripts of the internal exams are given to the students for personal verification. Everything is transparent and the final marks of internal exams are submitted to the college Examination Cell or university after checking of the answer scripts by the students. Once this process is completed no further changes are entertained. All this activity is to be completed within a week time as prescribed by the college Examination Cell or university. Any grievances related to the internal exams are brought to the notice of the concerned teacher and get clarified. The teacher has to satisfy/convince the student with his explanation on the evaluation. As external exams are conducted by the University, the college has only the duty of arranging the facilities for smooth and fair conduction of exams in the college by strict vigilance. The evaluation of the university exams is conducted after coding the answer scripts.
After result declaration, students who are not satisfied with their marks can demand for photocopy of their related subject answer sheet. The student can apply for Rechecking/ Revaluation by filling up the Rechecking/ Revaluation forms by paying the university fees within given tentative dates after declaration of result. For college level exams, Exam committee appoints a subject expert for revaluation of the subject. Then the revaluation result of that student is evaluated and displayed within time.
Grievances related exam at college level are solved by College Exam Committee
College Level :
- In the college internal assessment or exam student is not able to appear for examination due to medical or any genuine reason examination is conducted for that student as per norms, provided that he/she submits application with proper documents.
- If any student scores less marks and wants to improve in that subject, he/she can appear for the improvement examination.
- The grievances of the students with reference to assessment are made clear by showing his/her performance in the answer sheet. The answer sheet of such student is assessed by the faculty once again in the presence of the student.
- Any corrections in the total of marks or assessment of answer books as identified by students are immediately done by the faculty members.
- Any student who is not satisfied with the assessment and award of marks may approach the concern HOD who can intervene and seek opinion of another course Teacher. The Institute follows open evaluation system where the student performance is displayed on the notice board and the same is informed to the parents.
University Level :
- With reference to evaluation, if the student scores less mark than expected, he/she can apply for revaluation of his/her answer script after paying the prescribed fee.
- University provides the photocopy of answer sheets to students regarding any grievances with reference to evaluation. Student can apply for revaluation if he/she feels that evaluation is not correct.